Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I die.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
On a Mission...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
How To Get A Flawless Face
I've been asked by several friends to post my skin secrets. But before I bear all, I want you to know that this piece is about getting flawless skin. It isn’t a list of frenzied makeup tips to help you hide behind cakey cosmetics. Posers, step off.
As most of my close friends and family know, skincare and anti-aging are extremely important to me. After stumbling upon a strange blotch in my scalp at age 16, Melanoma became a reality in my life. Ever since, I’ve been on a journey to correct the irreversible damage caused from overexposure.
Which brings us to secret # 1: Bye, Bye Sunlight.
The concept of avoiding the sun may not sound new to you, but I assure you, it's the most important step if you want to obtain a flawless face. Take a trip to your local dermatology clinic and get under the skin x-ray if you don’t believe me. You'll be shocked to see how severely UVA and UVB rays damage the cells that dictate your complexion.
There is no excuse for turning your face into leather. Going outside is inevitable, but it's important to prepare properly. Wear a hat, apply a ridiculous amount of SPF to your face and body, and wear Chap Stick with a strong protectant.
Also, remember that certain UV rays can even affect you during overcast. Because of this, I use 'Out Smart' by Origins every single day. It's a mild daily moisturizer with 25 SPF and titanium dioxide to deflect UVA and UVB rays. It also gives my skin a beautiful finish that makes me never want to wear makeup again. For brighter days, I combine this moisturizer with a higher SPF to ensure ultimate sun protection.
If you must wear makeup, make sure to buy a foundation or tinted moisturizer that contains at least 25 SPF. I use Laura Mercier’s oil free tinted moisturizer when I’m craving some coverage. It’s amazing and I never feel like I’m clogging my pores when I wear it all day long.
Secret # 2: Become a product junkie.
I’m not ashamed to say that I have nearly 22 different product labels on my counter right now. I experiment with different lines on a daily basis, and all of my purchases have some kind of anti-aging and/or clarifying property. If something looks legit, buy it. Especially if it boasts collagen enhancers or sun protection.
Step 3: Get a skincare regime and stick with it.
Every morning, I wake up and wash my face with Cornelia Botanical Balancing Cleanser or an anti-aging cleanser called Elastology by Clientele. I alternate because the balancing cleanser is clarifying and helps dispel obvious blemishes while the anti-aging cleanser helps firm and enhance the appearance of my complexion.
If it's a Saturday or Sunday morning, I'll mash up one avocado, one banana and 2 tablespoons of honey and apply it to my face and neck as a mask. I wouldn’t recommend doing this more than twice a month because it is extremely hydrating and can clog the pores if overdone.
At night, things get a bit more serious in my bedroom. To remove all makeup (including eye), I apply Pond's classic cold cream to my face and remove it 30 seconds later with a warm cloth. I've experimented with many high end products and this one is by far my favorite.
Next, I wash my face with a bar of unscented dove soap and gently pat dry. Then, I apply a skin rejuvenating treatment to my face by Origins called "Make A Difference.” After, I apply a firming eye cream with Rhodiola called 'Youthtopia.'
I read about this eye cream in Elle magazine last summer and it has definitely changed my life. The revolutionary rhodiola extract helps stimulate the thin region surrounding the eye to promote firming. This product even helps with puffiness and dark circles.
Right before I go to sleep, I apply a collagen lip treatment called "Cellular Performance" by Kanebo to my "O zone." This is the lips and surrounding region above the chin and directly under the nose. Even Angelina Jolie, who claims to use this product daily, boasts about its effectiveness.
Side note: Make sure to aim all massaging motions toward the center of the face and opposite gravity. You don’t want to abuse the elasticity in your face by pulling out or downward.
Secret # 4: Hydrate, but don't over hydrate.
Yes, moisturizer is both amazing and necessary, but a little goes a long way. More is less, ladies. And I’m not talking about pimples.
Step 5: Live a healthy lifestyle.
If you want to get flawless skin, you have to improve your diet and your lifestyle. There is no way around it. I’m talking fruits, vegetables, exercise, water, eight hours of rest, limited alcohol, no fast food, and absolutely no smoking. Bottom line, you get out what you put in. It’s unrealistic to think you can go around dumping toxins into your body and stay gorgeous.
Secret # 6: Stay happy.
Depression, heartbreak, anger and anxiety can ruin your complexion and even cause premature aging. Do a yoga video if you feel stressed, moody or emotional. Take Pilates or kickboxing if you feeling angry or irrational. If you can target your junk on something outside yourself, you can keep it away from your complexion.
Step # 7: Chill out! You're gorgeous.
Stop freaking out about wearing makeup 24-7. If you keep clogging your pores with impenetrable foundation, how can you expect to be flawless?
Like I said earlier, you get out what you put in, or in this case, what you put on. Stop painting your face and going out every night. If you’re drinking fat girl drinks at the bar, hitting up fast food joints on the way home, and falling asleep at four in the morning with a face full of makeup, you’ll wake up wrinkled and pimply with an unforgivable beer belly.
You can be gorgeous if you let yourself go… well, kind of.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Liberty of London for Target
Happy Spring, happy hunting.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Celebrate Easter with a Delicious Bath Cocktail...
When I entered the little store, there was something almost spiritual about the atmosphere. It was warm and luxurious and the rich aroma was more than inviting. After playing with dream cream and bathing in lemon butter, I was in love.
And then I reached the bath bombs and bubble bars.
There was a heavenly array of choices before me as I approached the bath bar. Scents of avocado and rose oil overwhelmed me while benefits of mood enhancers and mineral water demanded my attention.
After much thought and indecision, I finally chose the Marzibain Bubble Bar and the detoxifying Sicilian Bath Bomb to compose my bath cocktail.
When I arrived home, I rushed to the bathroom in a fury to crumble my bubble bar beneath warm, running water. Then, I chunked the bomb into my bathtub and witnessed the biggest alka-seltzer explosion of my life.
The Marzibain bubble bar smelled of creamy almond icing and created the whitest, sweetest, fluffiest bubbles. Simultaneously, the Sicilian bath bomb released fresh scents of mandarin and neroli while tangerine oils took over my bath water.
I felt like I was eating marzipan while basking in the warm Italian sun and swimming in marshmallows all at the same time.
Who knew taking a bath could be so much fun?
P.S. Happy Easter.
Simple Spring Makeup Additions
A few of my favorites:
Leather & Lace eyeshadow duo by Sonia Kashuk for Target
Nude Lip Crayon by Sonia Kashuk for Target
Cream Colour Highlighter in Shell by MAC
Barefoot in Barcelona nail polish by O.P.I.