Friday, June 11, 2010

Do It

I have established life as perplexing in the way it transforms me every single day. I find myself and my life completely unrecognizable at certain moments in time. Lately, I seem to be issuing statements of guilt into the Universe through my codependent tendencies. Paying the waiter an exorbitant tip to absolve the guilt of my past relationship, depriving myself of dessert with hope to stick it to self-consciousness, and maintaining painful relations with old friends to feel self-worth are a few examples of how my life is absolutely controlled by guilt.

The way I’ve lived has led me form opinions about myself and the world around me. I can share my heart because I have identified with it and located it for the very first time in my life. I believe that there is no definite starting date for codependency. In fact, the evolution began when I first suppressed the hollow halls of my empty life and began to burden myself with the woes of others to detract from my immediate lack of self-worth.

Throughout my travels, however, I am learning to speak to myself about coping and beginning to have faith about moving forward. I am finally learning to address myself and my needs… To establish exactly who I am and what I want in this life.

As volatile people, we cannot feel selfish or driven by fear or shame when we make choices regarding our needs and desires. We must learn to live in harmony with ourselves and establish exactly what we want and need. So tonight, I ask you… Who are you and what do you want?

Let’s think on good things and send positive energy to tomorrow.

Always here,


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